

Welding Story | The Journey of the K922 Rail Welding Machine after Two Years of Delivery

Release time: 2018-12-13

The K922, manufactured by KIWAY in 2016, has traveled to four areas in two years, from Fuzhou Metro Line 1 to Qingdao Metro Lines 11 and 13, after returning to Zaoyang, Hubei Province, for drop weight test this year, in the winter of 2018, the K922 mobile flash welding rail machine carried out welding operations on the Jingmen section of the Menghua Railway in Hubei Province.


Menghua Railway is the longest heavy haul railway in the world and the longest coal transport line in China.


In the Hubei section of the project, the Rail Welding Professional Branch of the Third Engineering Co., Ltd. of China Railway Eleventh Bureau Group is responsible for rail welding. Peng Zuoqiang, director of the company's Equipment Department, said that since its launch in September this year, the machine's welding head, hydraulic cylinder and other components have rarely failed since leaving the factory and they are easy and reliable to use.


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